Ball Foundation donates $5 Million across East Central Indiana

$5 million among 36 grants recently, two recipients of which will be trail projects according to CEO, Jud Fisher…

from yesterday’s WMUN Delaware County Today radio show 8-9am weekdays.

Students from Westview Elementary put on a performance at Tuesday’s Muncie Community School Board meeting…

The song, a rendition of Flowers by Miley Cyrus about the Middle Ages, started from a field trip to the Camp Adventure Learning Center.

A study found billions of tons of food amounting to roughly $1 trillion goes to waste each year without ever reaching the consumers’ plate.

When to defrost your bird: USDA says the fridge is best, and count on one day for each 5 pounds of your turkey.

On average, three percent of kindergarteners received exemptions from state-wide vaccines nationwide. Here in Indiana, the number was just under 3 percent, according to WTHR over the weekend.

Taylor University releases plan to invest $100 million in its Upland, Indiana campus and additional investments for its local community.  The release shares info of their Master Plan outlining a significant slate of investments that will be made on its Upland, Indiana campus over the next five years.  “These are exciting times of growth and investment,” said President Michael Lindsay. “…From new academic spaces to residence halls, to co-curricular investments, we want this campus and our local community, which students call home, to be a great place of flourishing.”

Westview Elementary school is expecting to complete construction of new facilities within the next month. This according to Principal Eric Ambler at Tuesday’s Muncie Community School Board Meeting. Westview, one of the most populated elementary schools in Muncie, had reached capacity several years prior and had some facilities turned into classrooms to compensate. The new facilities include 8 new classrooms, a Teacher break room, and a Project Lead the Way science classroom, among others.

you have until January 15 for Open Enrollment for people not eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, or affordable employer insurance.  Shop for healthcare plans at, according to Suzanne Clem Vice President of Community Engagement at Open Door Health Services.

$5 million among 36 grants recently, how did the Ball Brothers Foundation begin it’s important work – CEO Jud Fisher….

Hear about many of the newest grant recipients on

When, if ever, will Facebook contain more profiles of dead people than of living ones? Based on the site’s growth rate and the age breakdown it will come sometime around 2065.

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