Awkward moments coming? – Staying on as President of Muncie City Council, and now filing paperwork to run against Mayor Dan Ridenour, does Jeff Robinson see any conflicts coming
He asked me yesterday on WMUN’s Delaware County Today Radio show to look at his voting record
As for Council meetings
And then there were two – On yesterday’s WMUN Delaware County Today Radio show, I asked Democrat Jeff Robinson is he expects any challengers for the Democratic side of the Primary in May
Former candidate Andrew Dale will not be filing – he’s on Robinson’s campaign staff. Incumbent Republican Dan Ridenour has filed for the race.
Now, more of today’s news…
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz added Delaware County to her district with the new lines drawn, but Greg Pence told me this week he’s willing to help in any way he can
Pence.House.Gov – Pence has the 6th District, Spartz has the 5th.
Ready for move in – one of the reasons Living Green Farms chose Delaware County for their aeroponic indoor farm
That’s Jerry Gray, plant engineer and manager from Radio show earlier this week. Hear the entire segment on the Audiocast button of the website now.
State government just revving up – Last week was the first full week of the Indiana Legislative Session
Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch on yesterday’s Delaware County Today Radio show. She said votes on bills will likely start this week.
Speaking today at BSU’s Arts and Journalism building – Samuel Sirmon
The Card alum talks at 4 p.m., as part of Unity Week.
Cornerstone Center For The Arts Classes – Register for Spring Classes beginning on January 30th. Registration closes on February 20th. SIGN UP 520 E Main Street.
Written and compiled by Dir. of News Operations, Steve Lindell